on approval是什么意思,on approval的意思是
on approval基本解释
1. 包退包换的
2. 包退包换
3. 试销
4. 供试用的,包退包换的
5. 包退换的
on approval的用法和例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Responsible for rcds document establishment based on approval dossiers and preparing updates to rcds consistent with approved manufacturing changes and procedural requirements .
- 负责法规注册文件建立以及相关内容更新与批准的生产变更和流程要求相一致。
- The saic and its authorized administration for industry and commerce of the provincial level shall make a decision on approval or disapproval within 20 days as of the day when they received the complete set of documents .
- 国家工商行政管理总局及其授权的省级工商行政管理局自收到全部呈报文件二十日内,作出同意或不同意的决定。
- They took the vcr on approval .
- 他们买了部录像机,仅供试用。
- The banking regulatory branch bureau or banking regulatory bureau of the city where the loan company is located shall make a decision on approval or disapproval within 2 months as of the date of acceptance .
- 银监分局或所在城市银监局自受理之日起2个月内作出核准或不予核准的决定。
- An administrative organ has made decisions on requisition of collectively-owned land and on approval of construction-use land permission for house demolition and relocation and commodity house sale in advance and other decisions related t
- 行政机关依法作出征用集体所有土地、批准建设用地、房屋拆迁许可、商品房预售许可等与房地产权利有关的决定。
- Hanlong which already holds 18.6 per cent of sundance offered 50 australian cents per share for the rest of the company conditional on approval from the sundance board and regulators .
- 已持有sundance18.6%股权的汉龙矿业每股报价0.50澳元收购sundance剩余股权,前提条件是获得sundance董事会和监管机构的批准。
- The banking regulatory bureau shall make a written decision on approval or disapproval within 4 months as of its receipt of a compete set of the application materials or after it accepts the application .
- 银监局自收到完整申请材料或自受理之日起4个月内作出批准或不予批准的书面决定。