
offshoots 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- In 2001 , the rss and its offshoots which include the opposition bharatiya janata party began promoting cow urine as a cure for ailments ranging from liver disease to obesity and even cancer .
- 2001年,卫队和其分支团体(其中包括反印度人民党)开始把牛尿提升至用以治疗从肝病到肥胖甚至癌症的各类疾病。
- But the potential impact on other firms , including multinationals with offshoots in countries that permit rough and ready workplace standards , could be substantial .
- 但是对其他公司,包括在允许工作场所条件将就即可的国家设有分支机构的跨国公司,有很重要的潜在影响。
- In the 1980s , as hip-hop became more popular , new offshoots developed .
- 80年代,随着嘻哈风更加盛行,新的流派发展起来。
- He reached his shears up to cut the offshoots of a tree .
- 他高举大剪刀去剪树上的枝杈。
- First root growing out of the seed that grows vertically into the soil ; it usually has few offshoots , its main function being to anchor the tree in the ground .
- 生长在增长垂直入土壤的种子外面的第一根;它在地面通常有少量旁枝,它的主函数是停住树。
- The promised land of god , mt. zion and her offshoots .
- 神应许的美地锡安山和众支岭。
- Insights from offshoots of blue-sky research could hardly be more welcome .
- 宇航研究衍生的反思大受欢迎。
- Snowboarding and other youthful offshoots have attracted numerous new and ever younger people to the slopes , where they are more likely to give skiing a chance .
- 滑板滑雪和其他年轻的支派都吸引了众多的新的和以前的边坡的年轻人,他们更有可能给滑雪的机会。
- Other proposed adjustments have more promise , such as exempting eu-based banks from applying the rules to their offshoots outside europe and incentivising the use of bail-in bonds .
- 其他的调整提案则更有希望实现,如免除总部在欧盟国家的银行对其在欧洲以外的子公司应用相同规则,以及鼓励使用债权人纾困债券(bail-inbonds)。
- Suppose you would care about the welfare of your two fission offshoots in just the way that you ordinarily care about your own welfare , even though neither of them would be you .
- 假设你会关心你的两个分身的幸福,就如你关心你自己的,即使都不是你。