

obtainable 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- With test results obtainable in shorter times , your referring physicians and their patients will be pleased .
- 与试验结果在较短的时间索取,你指的医生和病人会很高兴。
- The relationship capital inventory depends on the comprehensive evaluation of an enterprise s initial obtainable business .
- 关系资本存量最终决定于企业最初的可获得交易权的综合评价。
- This is the earliest edition obtainable .
- 这是能找到的最早版本。
- Are all these obtainable now ?
- 这些产品现在都可以拿到现货吗?
- Advisory locking is obtainable to decrease the effects of argument .
- 咨询式的锁定能够减少争用所带来的影响。
- Several automobiles are obtainable within this price scope .
- 在这个价格范围内,有好几种汽车可供选购。
- The game is obtainable post free from the manufacturer .
- 买这种游戏用具由制造商免费邮寄。
- Luckily there are several patterns obtainable that feature a white base , and yet which are embellished in a lot of means .
- 幸运的是,还有好几种可行穿着的白色礼服的模式,而且这些模式还能被各种各样的方式装饰。
- So the authors devised an index of narcissism using six publicly available indicators obtainable without the co-operation of the boss .
- 因此,作者应用6种无需老板合作、通过公众渠道获取的指征,制定了一个自恋症状目录。
- What we don 't see are the very small surveillance cameras now obtainable , or the increasingly sophisticated software for identifying individuals .
- 而我们看不到的则是那些如今已经问世的微型摄像头,或是那些为识别人的身份而日益复杂的软件。