

v.阻塞( obstruct的现在分词 );堵塞;阻碍;阻止

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Since the breakthrough in quanzhou , nearly 20 ofwal-mart 's other stores in china are following suit and the us company is co-operating with , rather than obstructing , their efforts .
But all central banks should commonsensically question whether ultra-cheap money continually creates expansions as opposed to destroying liquidity , delevering and obstructing recovery .
The economic incentives surrounding natural resources , in particular , are often seen as prolonging wars , obstructing peacemaking and holding back social progress .
Snoring occurs when the soft palate tissue at the back of the throat relaxes too much , obstructing the entrance to the throat .
He also accuses unnamed higher-level officials " in cahoots with the mafia " of obstructing the village 's efforts to reclaim land that was sold off .
This included helping to identify , target and murder the lawyer , supplying a weapon and facilitating its later disappearance , and deliberately obstructing subsequent investigations .
Manynigerian leaders have tried to boost the state 's power supply , but many morehave become rich by obstructing it , earning fees from private generation andstealing official funds meant for new power plants .
The democrats , meanwhile , have enlisted the actor michael j. fox , who suffers from parkinson 's disease , to film ads lashing republicans for obstructing stem-cell research .
This newspaper was established in 1843 to take part in " a severe contest between intelligence , which presses forward , and an unworthy , timid ignorance obstructing our progress " .
The us rejected claims it was obstructing a new global agreement to curb greenhouse gas emissions and said it supported european union calls for a " road map " to a new climate deal .