

nother 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- My nother was the only one in her generation to go to university .
- 我妈妈是她那一代唯一上过大学的人。
- My sainted nother worked cleaning offices so that I could go to a good university .
- 我的好母亲干清扫办公室的活儿,所以我才可以进好大学读书。
- She pursued her fortune in nother country .
- 她到他乡寻求她的财富。
- We 've got a whole nother leg to go .
- 我们还有一整段比赛要进行。
- But it 's nother baby ! It doesn 't matter !
- 那不是她的孙子!这不重要!
- No. I got a whole nother kidding face .
- 看我像是开玩笑么?
- Nother time five months ago , I happened to be upstairs at dusk when the window was open .
- 还有一次,就在五个月以前的一天傍晚,我碰巧在楼上,窗户是开着的。
- He said : " gimme ' nother slice o ' that barbecued brisket ! "
- 他说:“再给我一片烤鸡胸”
- A mother takes twenty years to make a man of her boy , and nother woman makes a fool of him in twenty minutes .
- 母亲用了二十年才能把她的儿子培养成一个男子汉,而另一个女人只需用二十分钟就能把他变成傻瓜。
- The more I think about it , the more it becomes quite clear there couldn 't be a nother niece , as nice as sweet as dear !
- 我愈想愈看得清:不可能有谁的侄女像你一样姣美一样甜蜜一样贴心!