
n.(报社、广播电台的)新闻编辑室( newsroom的名词复数 )
newsrooms 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- And in an era of consolidating newsrooms and information made free by new media , this kind of complex coverage will become harder to do .
- 而且,在一个新媒体连接上了编辑部和信息的时代,这种复杂报道将会变得更难进行。
- Tracking how many people view articles , and then rewarding - or shaming - writers based on those results has become increasingly common in old and new media newsrooms .
- 追查有多少人阅读这些文章,然后或得奖或难堪,新老媒体新闻编辑室的作者们以这些成果为基础,已越来越普遍。
- Even so , in the medium term they may not be able to sustain their big newsrooms , making it harder to do the journalism that distinguishes them .
- 就算是这样,从中期来看,他们也无法承担起庞大的新闻编辑团队的费用,这样就使得更加难以通过报道来突出其优势了。
- The whirlwind that swept through newsrooms harmed everybody , but much of the damage has been concentrated in areas where newspapers are least distinctive .
- 横扫新闻编辑室的旋风伤及每个人,但造成的损害大都集中于报纸最没有特色的地区。
- Cctv has brought on a number of journalists with experience in western newsrooms to staff the service .
- cctv引进了一批在西方新闻界拥有丰富经验的记者充实自己的队伍。
- Which begs the question : what happened to the foreign desk in african newsrooms ?
- 这就提出了疑问“非洲新闻室里的外国雇员出了什么状况?”
- New conduits have opened into the most highly regarded newsrooms in the country ; while that 's probably a good thing , it adds a layer of complexity to a story like this .
- 国内,新的中介组织已与备受尊敬的新闻机构建立了联系的管道;或许这是件好事,它为诸如此类事件的复杂度增加了一层。
- The staff in al jazeera 's arabic and english newsrooms had as it happened undergone intense social-media training only the month before .
- 在阿拉伯和英语新闻工作室的aljazeera的工作人员们,在这个事件发生的一个月前,参加密集的社交媒体训练。
- The proliferation of communications outlets has fractured the base of advertising and readers . Newsrooms have shrunk dramatically and foreign bureaus have been decimated .
- 传播机构数量的迅速增多分散了广告和读者基础,采编业务已大幅萎缩,国外分支机构也被大量削减。
- I am not against this development : I like facebook , I like twitter , I like youtube and the way the online environment 's relative irreverence has seeped into newsrooms and companies and made them a bit less stuffy .
- 我不是反对这些发展:我喜欢facebook,我喜欢twitter,我喜欢youtube,现在互联网环境中的戏谑氛围已经慢慢渗透进编辑部和公司之中,使他们少了些许沉闷。