
[nəˈvædə, -ˈvɑdə]


Nevada 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Nevada has america 's highest unemployment rate .
- 内华达州在美国是失业率最高的。
- Environmental groups in nevada and the midwest have issued similar ultimatums .
- 内华达和中西部的环保团体也发布了类似的最后通牒。
- For nevada , this represents a potential fiscal crisis .
- 对于内华达而言,这意味着潜在的财政危机。
- And brian sandoval in nevada is both latino and republican .
- 内华达州州长布莱恩桑多瓦尔既是拉丁裔又是共和党人。
- Nevada 's schools and universities are between mediocre and bad .
- 内华达州所在学校和大学在全美处于中等偏下的水平。
- The settlement came before a nevada jury was to hear the case .
- 这项和解发生在一家内华达陪审团将要审理此案之前。
- One transaction involved a nevada mining company and the other a fibre optics maker .
- 这两项交易分别涉及一家内华达州的采矿企业和一家光纤制造商。
- She reveals to him that she has to go with palmer to nevada .
- 她向他透露,她必须和帕默一起去内华达州。
- Thursday they 'll hold rallies in wisconsin , nevada and colorado .
- 周四,他将在威斯康星,内华达和科罗拉多州组织集会。
- Nevada was among the states hardest hit by the 2008 housing bust .
- 2008年美国楼市泡沫破裂,内华达州是受冲击最大的州之一。