
neurotoxins 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Hours after eating such a meal , dogs appear inebriated and have difficulty standing up thanks to the strong neurotoxins found in the shark 's flesh .
- 由于格陵兰鲨鱼的肉中含有很强的神经毒素,在吃过几小时之后,狗看上去就像醉酒一样,并且站立困难。
- Adding iron on a large scale could prove dangerous if the neurotoxins get into the food chain , the research team said .
- 研究小组称假如神经毒物进入食物链中即能证明大量加入铁是危险地行为。
- Its painless bite may seem harmless , but the deadly neurotoxins begin working immediately resulting in muscular weakness , numbness , followed by a cessation and breathing and ultimately death .
- 它们无痛的叮咬看起来没什么,可是毒素能瞬间起作用,导致肌肉无力,麻木,接着呼吸停止,最后死亡。
- The study , published in the march issue ofthe journal of cosmetic dermatology , followed 25 cosmetic patients , 12 of whom received injections of botulinum toxin a , or similar neurotoxins , while the others had fillers , peels or other cosmetic treatments for wrinkles .
- 这项发表在3月份《美容皮肤科学杂志》的研究追踪了25位美容客户,其中12名接受了a型肉毒毒素注射或类似的神经毒素,其他的做过填料、脱皮或其它治疗皱纹的手术。
- Many dinoflagellates are harmless , but some produce neurotoxins .
- 大部分腰鞭毛虫都是无害的,但是有一些却能产生神经毒素。
- Then the hydrolase would release the neurotoxins instead of bonding with them .
- 然后水解酶释放了神经毒素而不是中和它们。
- These neurotoxins were found to activate the same receptor on sensory nerves that produces the burning sensation animals get from capsaicin , the " hot " ingredient in chilies .
- 研究发现,这些毒素与辣椒素(辣椒呈现红色的成分)动物产生灼痛感一样,都是刺激感觉神经上相同的感受器。
- But along with deadly neurotoxins , the black mamba 's venom has a special ingredient : a painkiller as potent as morphine .
- 但是除了致命的神经毒素,黑曼巴的毒液有一种特别的成分:和吗啡效果类似的止痛物质。