Nepa 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Only lower courts that upheld nepa claims found their decisions subjected to supreme court review .
- 那些支持《国家环境政策法》的下级法院却发现,他们的判决反而容易受到最高法院的复审。
- Nepa requires consideration of the direct effects of present physical actions and of the possible effects should future risks materialize .
- 《国家环境政策法》要求考虑目前实行决定所产生的直接影响,也需要考虑未来风险形成以后所可能产生的影响。
- The purpose of the suit was to enjoin sale of oil and gas leases pending compliance with nepa .
- 起诉的意图是,在审定是否合乎《国家环境政策法》之前,禁止出售油气租赁权。
- This would defeat the purpose of nepa .
- 这将会挫败《国家环境政策法》的意图。
- In order to prevent such evasion of nepa 's purpose , courts must be prepared to determine the proper scope of an eis .
- 为防止这种对《国家环境政策法》意图的回避,法院必须致力于确定“环境影响报告书”的适当范围。
- Very few federal projects have actually been halted by permanent injunctions based on nepa .
- 联邦工程很少有因为《国家环境政策法》的禁令而停工的。
- Other statutes may impose substantive environmental obligations on federal agencies , but nepa merely prohibits uninformed rather than unwise agency action .
- 其他法令可能会把实质性的环保责任强加给联邦机构,但是,《国家环境政策法》仅仅禁止没有事先告知的而不是不明智的机构决定。
- Section 101 of nepa makes it the policy of the federal government to use all practicable means to administer federal programs in the most environmentally sound fashion .
- 《国家环境政策法》的第101条规定,把使用所有切实可行的方法,按照环境方面最为完美的方式管理联邦项目作为联邦政府的政策。
- This statement by the court implies that nepa imposes no substantive duties on agencies , or at least that violation of such duties is not subject to judicial review .
- 最高法院的这一声明意味着,《国家环境政策法》并没有把实质的责任强加给机构,或者至少可以说,违犯了那些责任并不会受到司法复审。
- The majority view was apparently that nepa does impose substantive limits on agencies and that agency action is subject to judicial review if it transgresses these limits .
- 大多数观点认为,《国家环境政策法》确实把实质性的限制强加给了机构,如果机构违犯了这些限制的话,机构的行为必然受到司法审查。