
motioning 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- He says sweetly , motioning his fork .
- 他用餐叉指了指他的碟子,亲切地问道。
- They saw the woman laying there covered in mud on the side of the road , motioning to them to help her .
- 他们看到这位女子满身泥泞躺在马路边上,向他们示救。
- Then , quite suddenly , she looks sick with fear and switches the tv on at a high volume , motioning to the door and telling me the landlady is probably listening at it .
- 然后,她突然因害怕而变得不舒服,将电视的声音调高,向门打手势,告诉我女房东很可能在听我们谈话。