

[人名] 米兰

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" Despite the many challenges that the us economy continues to face and the dire straits that the us fiscal position appears to be in , there continues to be an almost insatiable global appetite for us government securities , at least for now , " said millan mulraine , strategist at td securities .
Professor millan says scientists keep improving the computer software that identifies brain signals and turns them into simple commands .
Jose millan : " the brain-machine interface is a system that allows disabled people , people suffering from physical disabilities to communicate with external world and also to control devices . "
Cesar millan runs the dog psychology center out of a converted auto mechanic 's shop in the industrial zone of south-central los angeles .
" The flows reinforce the safe-haven appeal that us treasuries continue to enjoy , even if the turmoil was being driven in part by concerns about the quality of these assets , " said millan mulraine , analysts at td securities .
To help bo settle in , the obamas should walk him a lot in the early days to bond with him , drain his energy and make him hungry for his meals , millan said .
" This report points to continued strong demand for us securities among foreign investors and officials , underscoring the ease at which the treasury is able to fund its borrowing needs in the open market , " said millan mulraine at td securities .
" I think the government is doing a much better job today ; I think the entire city must know about the threats and what to do if you get infected , " says rodolfo millan , a cab driver in mexico city , as he accepts a pile of blue surgical masks being handed out by mexican soldiers .
No matter how good a prosthetic or robot is , however , " the perception of self is at the core of neuroprosthetics , " millan said .
Professor millan is the team leader .