
militarily 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Most of those who responded ( 58 % ) said the taliban could not be defeated militarily , and 52 % of those surveyed said troops should be withdrawn immediately .
- 大多数受访者(58%)说,不可能在军事上打败塔利班,而52%的受访者说,英军应立即撤回。
- The compromise was helped by a number of factors . It followed the devastating tsunami of december 2004 ; the rebels were militarily weak ; and mr yudhoyono 's government may have wanted peace not just for its own sake but to diminish the army 's political clout .
- 一系列因素促成了此次双方妥协:2004年,亚齐刚刚遭受了海啸的袭击;叛军在军事上处于下风;苏西洛政府不仅谋求和平,而且想要消除军队在政界的影响力。
- It was protected militarily by the united states .
- 西欧在军事上由美国保护。
- Militarily , israel towers over its neighbours .
- 在军事上,以色列要胜于其邻邦。
- They cannot prevent mr assad from having the upper hand militarily , but they are further eroding his shrinking political authority .
- 他们无法阻止阿萨德在军事上占上风,但在继续瓦解他不断萎缩的政治权威。
- Before 1956 , israel had been militarily vulnerable , but , beyond the arab world , morally and politically unassailable .
- 在1956年之前,以色列在军事上很难防守,但是在精神上和政治上,以色列强过阿拉伯世界,是无懈可击的。