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merc 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Merc chinese school will be relocated to the new location on saturday , december 5 .
The driver of the pickup was not arrested , the merc reported .
I 'll stick you on the payroll and put you in charge of the merc .
But it was the cbot chairman who was still faced with a painful dilemma : was there an independent future for his exchange , or was selling out to the larger merc inevitable ?
The event has long symbolised the tribal friction that has beset relations between the city 's two biggest exchanges : the chicago mercantile exchange - " the merc " - and the chicago board of trade .
It is out of this arcane corner of the markets that two men have emerged to put chicago on what some would say is now an equal footing with london and new york as a financial centre : terry duffy , merc chairman , and charlie carey , his counterpart at the cbot .
* He scrapped an early design for the new cupertino campus because its shape reminded his teenage son of male genitalia ( merc )
By the time that mr carey became chairman , the dynamics of the rivalry between the two was changing as the merc achieved a stock market listing .
New york merc works on an open outcry system .
But in 1972 , mr melamed pioneered the launch of the world 's first futures contract that was not based on an agricultural commodity such as pork bellies at the merc , or grains at the cbot : a future on foreign currencies .