

memorization 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- History need not be learned in chronological order or require memorization of dates and names .
- 学习历史切忌按时间顺序去死记硬背那些历史日期或名称。
- Most memorization is a solo pursuit .
- 大多数的记忆活动是单独一个人在追求。
- People have blamed education systems in asia that encourage memorization rather than original thinking .
- 人们将此归咎于亚洲鼓励记忆而不鼓励独立思考的教育制度。
- The one mandatory speech class became an exercise in rote memorization .
- 唯一的一次强制演讲也成了机械背诵练习。
- The good news is that you don 't need to learn by memorization .
- 有一个好消息,就是你不是必须要通过记忆来学习。
- Unless schools drop the emphasis on memorization , more teachers will find themselves replaced .
- 除非学校不再继续强调死记硬背,否则会有更多的教师发现他们的地位将被电脑替代。
- Examination-oriented education which favors memorization discourages students from thinking creatively and critically .
- 支持背诵的应试型教育不鼓励学生创造性和评判性的思考。
- When you need to remember bulk information , with no particular meaning , sometimes rote memorization is the best way to go .
- 当你必须去记忆大量的知识,但它们没有什么特别的意义,在这种时候,死记硬背是最好的方式。
- Critics complain that the gao kao illustrates the flaws in an education system that stresses memorization over independent thinking and creativity .
- 批评人士认为高考制度是教育体系的缺陷所在,强调记忆而忽视独立思考和创造思维。
- Moreover , it requires very little memorization .
- 更重要的是,它不需要记太多东西。