She had no business to be so friendly to a young man of whom their brother thought so meanly .
There it was all spiritual . Here it was all material , and meanly material .
Binzhou zhibo metals co. , ltd is meanly engaged in the stainless steel products .
It may be a function of empathy ; we feel badly for the objects of our derision . Or it could be selfishness ; we realize people won 't like us for nattering on meanly about others .
Winsett did not invite people to his house ; but he had once pointed it out to archer in the course of a nocturnal stroll , and the latter had asked himself , with a little shiver , if the humanities were so meanly housed in other capitals .
Ion exchange resins used in fuel ethanol acid hydrolysis of sugar separation process has broad application prospects , it has great importance for the commonly way in the industry use limestone to neutralizate hydrolysis , which meanly caused no sulfuric acid recycling , pollution of the environment , low ethanol production rate , and so on .