Of foreign authors I am familiar with maupassant and the goncourts . I have yet to finish don quixote !
Climbing up the stairs , as I said a moment ago , he had mentioned the fact that maupassant used to live here . The coincidence seems to have made an impression upon him .
As a writer of short fiction , chekhov is indebted to such literary giants as maupassant , tolstoy , and turgenev , but his own influence on western literature has been immense .
Though the battle was a decisive win for the english , maupassant contends that their victory was somewhat muted as louis had the best bon mot on the battlefield that day .
This manuscript has been attributed by some bibliotists to maupassant .
Unit 6 speech on maupassant funeral ceremony impose a piece on .
Flaubert had told maupassant said : " genius is nothing but patience . "
He would like to believe that it was in this very room that maupassant gave birth to some of those gruesome tales on which his reputation rests .