

v.熟练控制[操作]( manipulate的第三人称单数 );(暗中)控制,操纵,影响;正骨;治疗脱臼

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And it deftly manages and manipulates a news media that still have not brushed all the stars from their eyes when it comes to covering , examining and questioning this president .
Music manipulates us into spending in flower shops and restaurants .
U.s. trade law requires the report to identify any country that manipulates its exchange rate for purposes of gaining an advantage in international trade .
It is this ambition that makes his work something more than just a breathtaking novelty , positioning it as a milestone on the road from the craft of biotechnology , which manipulates genes one at a time , to the industry of synthetic biology , which aims to make wholesale changes to living things .
The term " manipulates " is politically sensitive , as under america 's trade laws the us treasury must identify any country that manipulates its exchange rate to gain an advantage in international trade .
Under u. s. trade law , a finding that a country ' manipulates ' its currency requires the u. consult with that country to convince it to change it policies .
But some of it may also reflect the way the industry manipulates data .
An ordinary digital computer manipulates information in the form of bits , which take the value of either 0 or 1 .