
maneuvered是什么意思,maneuvered的意思是,用策略( maneuver的过去式和过去分词 );操纵
maneuvered 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Even as clinton maneuvered to form alliances with the gop , he stood up to them on principle when he disagreed with their views and took political advantage of their miscalculations .
- 即使当克林顿试图与共和党结盟时,如果不同意他们的观点他会在原则上对抗,并从他们的失算中获取政治优势。
- Several witnesses were calling the pilot a hero because he maneuvered the plane away from the crowded grandstands at the last moment .
- 很多目击者都称那个飞行员是个英雄,他在最后时刻操纵飞机避开了看台上的人群。
- Dating back to reagan , republicans have packaged tax cuts on high earners with more modest middle-class tax cuts and then maneuvered the democrats into an unwinnable choice : are you for tax cuts or against them ?
- 早在里根时代,共和党对高收入者和大多数中产阶级打包减税,致使民主党面对一个无法获胜的抉择:是跟着减税,还是和他们对着干?
- As mr. papandreou maneuvered behind closed doors , protests involving tens of thousands of demonstrators turned occasionally violent outside as police fought street battles with dozens of self-styled anarchist youths and sought to disperse crowds with tear gas and pepper spray .
- 在帕潘德里欧闭门造车之时,数万名示威者走上街头抗议,并发生零星暴力事件,警察与十几名自称无政府主义者的青年发生巷战,并试图用催泪弹和辣椒水驱散人群。
- There may have been a time when yemen 's president , ali abdullah saleh , could have maneuvered a more graceful departure from the office he has held for three decades . But he has lost his legitimacy and should go as quickly as possible .
- 也门总统阿里.阿卜杜拉.萨利赫(aliabdullahsaleh)本有机会提前演练,以更优雅的方式离开他占据了30年的办公室,但他已经丧失了作为总统的合法性,只能仓皇逃离。
- In particular , those objects that pose a threat of collision with the earth or moon will be maneuvered out of harm 's way and mined for their water , hydrocarbon , and metal contents which will then be delivered to the earth and moon .
- 特别是那些对地球和月球构成碰撞威胁的星体,可以通过操作,使其脱离危险的运行轨道,而这些星体上所蕴藏的水、氢氧化合物和金属等将得到开采,然后提供给地球和月球。
- If from anyone central point the machine can be maneuvered , it is here .
- 如果存在某个枢纽对这个机制进行操纵,这个枢纽就恰巧就位于此。
- While his generals maneuvered armies , he mobilized his political troops .
- 他的将军们指挥军队的时候,他也在部署他的政治力量。
- From the 1950s to the 1970s , the united states maneuvered to keep russia out of oil-rich iran .
- 从20世纪50年代到70年代,美国想方设法让俄国远离盛产石油的伊朗。
- Companies have maneuvered to try to make sure they get access to key components .
- 各家公司都使出浑身解数确保关键电子元器件的供给。