
vt.& vi.砍伐(lumber的过去式与过去分词形式)
lumbered 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- That area is where they lumbered .
- 那一带就是他们开辟过的地方。
- I 'm sorry you 've been lumbered with taking me back .
- 很抱歉给您增添麻烦让您带我回去。
- Parents get lumbered with many interesting situations in their lives .
- 家长挤满了许多有趣的情况得到了生命.
- This valley was lumbered hard , during the past decade .
- 在过去10年里,这个山谷的林木被大肆采伐。
- I was lumbered with carrying the books .
- 硬要我去搬书。
- His memory was lumbered with detailed facts and figures .
- 他的记忆里满是细节和数字。
- Have you noticed that mr dickens lumbered a little in his walk ?
- 你注意到没有狄更斯先生走起路来有些蹒跚?
- I can see I 'm going to get lumbered with it if I 'm not careful .
- 我心里明白,我如果不小心就会受到拖累。
- When our parents went out , my sister got lumbered with me for the evening .
- 父母外出时,晚上姐姐就得照管我。
- Wessex proved the nay-sayers wrong when the first imperial-class star destroyer lumbered from the sprawling kuat drive yards drydocks .
- 当第一艘“帝国级”歼星舰缓缓驶出夸特动力船坞的庞大干船坞时,韦塞克斯证明了那些怀疑论者都错了。