
[ˈlɒŋˌhænd, ˈlɑŋ-]

longhand 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- I write everything in longhand on the sofa with my four kids , eating pizza and watching tv .
- 我是跟四个孩子坐在沙发上边吃披萨饼边看电视时以手写的方式写东西的。
- He has help , but will write it himself , in longhand .
- 他有帮手,但是他将亲自手写出来。
- Harry is one of the old school and still writes all his business letters in longhand .
- 哈里这个人非常守旧,至今仍然用普通写法写所有的公函。
- The judge had to write all the evidence down in longhand .
- 法官不得不亲笔记下所有证言。
- The magistrate had to write all the evidence down in longhand .
- 执法官不得不亲笔记下了全部证词。
- I wrote it out longhand on legal pads .
- 我在垫子上随便写的。
- In longhand . This helps me to get started and swing into the style I wish to write in .
- 这能帮助我开始进入写作状态,并用我想要的风格写作。
- He rose early and wrote , in longhand on the right-hand page of large blocks , later correcting on the left-hand page .
- 他早起先在右手页的大格子里执笔写作,过一会儿在左手页上进行修改。
- She writes in longhand , and while she doesn 't have a formal schedule , she says she prefers to write in the morning , before breakfast .
- 她说,在没有正式安排的日子里,她更喜欢在早晨,特别是早餐之前写东西。
- Middle-aged men ( news was still mostly male ) , puffing away on pipes , often wrote scripts in longhand and then dictated them to a typist .
- 通常,那些抽着烟斗的中年男子(当时新闻大多仍由男性撰写)将稿子一字一句地写下来,然后口授给打字员。