
loafing 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- When social loafing strikes and how it can be reduced .
- 当社会性懈怠来袭以及如何避免
- Of course , some women argue that maintaining the charade is more desirable than loafing about .
- 当然,一些女人认为保留一些神秘感要比坦然相对更富有魅力。
- In other circumstances , though , people in groups demonstrate a tremendous capacity for loafing .
- 然而在其他情况下,在群体中的人们显露出极大的碌碌无为的可能性。
- And then there is the concept of social loafing : people making less effort to achieve a goal when they work in a group than when they work alone .
- 接下来,就是社会游荡症了:人们用于完成目标所花费的努力,在团队中会比单独完成少。