

littleness 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Such is the littleness of our home in space when measured up against the total substance of the universe .
- 和宇宙的总体比起来,处在宇宙空间的我们这块大地就是这样的渺小!
- A man 's deed is the touchstone of his greatness or littleness .
- 行动是一个人伟大或者渺小的试金石。
- Yet would I offer you my body , you whom I love , its littleness ?
- 你深知身体的渺小卑微,我岂会把我的身体赐给我深爱的你?
- The littleness of one 's fellows in the mob of life is a very strange experience .
- 下里巴人在混沌生活中表现出的渺小真令人惊诧。
- Those who cannot feel the littleness of great things in themselves are apt to overlook the greatness of little things in others .
- 那些无法觉知自身的伟大实则渺小不值一提的,都容易忽略他人身上那些小细节的伟大之处。