

liters 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Customers here were also limited to pump only 20 liters , said the driver .
- 这位司机说,这里的消费者也被限制只能加20升油。
- It takes just one large fruit to make 6 liters of sharbat .
- 一个大的贝耳可做6公升的“沙巴特”。
- Americans today drink about 192 gallons of liquid a year-or about 2 liters a day .
- 美国人一年大约消费192加仑的液体饮料,即一天2公升。
- You should be constantly drinking fluids , rather than guzzling multiple liters of water all at once .
- 你应该分多次喝水而不是一次喝它个几公升的水.
- To reach one billion liters , fonterra will need to open more farms , a company spokeswoman said .
- 恒天然公司一位发言人说,为了达到10亿升的生产目标,公司需要开办更多农场。
- Chugging liters of cola may cause muscle harm
- 咕噜咕噜的喝几升可乐可能会伤害肌肉
- The authors of the eco-kitchen say that due to a distribution there is an extra save of 15 liters of water per day .
- 生态厨房的设计者说由于这个水资源分配的使用每天可以额外节省15公升的水。
- Previously , those officials could purchase cars with engines as big as two liters .
- 此前,这些官员可购买排量最大为2升的汽车。
- The five farms , when fully established , will be able to produce 150 million liters per year .
- 这五家农场完全建好后,每年将能够生产1.5亿升牛奶。
- By some estimates , it takes about two liters of water to make every liter you see on store shelves .
- 据估计,2升的水才能得到商店货物架上1升的瓶装水。