Previous research showed that this gene variant makes humans more liable to develop chronic-obstructive disease ( copd ) , and the current study provides an explanation for this observation .
We are part of a community which is connected , frustrated , politically middle-ground and liable to judge politicians by their policies and actions not by their branding or packaging .
Why , for instance , should a small american firm hire more people when it still does not know the regulations on health care , especially when going above 50 workers will make it liable to insurance premiums or fines ?
Most notably , instead of building systems which are extremely interconnected , complex and opaque which makes them liable to collapse if a shock hits we could design simpler systems that could break into self-contained small units at a moment of disaster .
This is that , by putting the tea in first and stirring as one pours , one can exactly regulate the amount of milk whereas one is liable to put in too much milk if one does it the other way round .
The group is calling for a change in the law so that " parents and trained professionals are not liable to prosecution if they make pornographic materials accessible to 16-year-olds with a clear educational objective and within a carefully selected and well-defined setting . "
I know a lot of people like henderson-well , maybe not quite as clueless as henderson , but liable , in private , to confide that making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year doesn 't make them feel rich .