

lemme 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Once we reached the sidewalk , I squirmed , " lemme down . "
- 一旦我们达到了人行道,我蠕动着,“让我下来。”
- Lemme just go tell my grandma and I 'll call you back .
- 就让我去告诉我的奶奶,我会给你回电话。
- Say --- let 's not fool around here . Let 's snake it out . Lemme see if I can lift the box .
- 喂,别傻呆在这儿,把它拖出去,我来试试看,能不能搬动。
- Help me out and leave a comment on which one of these necklaces you like , lemme know what u think !
- 你喜欢那条项链,帮帮我就留下你的留言,让我知道你的想法
- Lemme ask you a question !
- 我还有问题要问你呢!
- Lemme guess what you want to talk about .
- 让我猜猜你想聊些什么。
- Lemme tell you where I 'm at with this .
- 我告诉你们我在哪听到的这些。
- Lemme guess . The local hardware store is sold out .
- 让我想想,本地五金店没货了?
- Lemme outta here ! Giddyap ! Thscratch gravel !
- 我要从这逃出去!驾!该死的路面!
- Lemme guess . A little cottage by the lakeshore , a white picket fence , dog ? All the traditional mud-foot accessories .
- 让我猜猜。在湖岸边的一栋小别墅,白色的尖桩篱栅,狗?都是传统的没价值的附属品。