Helen : the daughter of zeus and leda and wife of menelaus , considered to be the most beautiful woman in the world .
Leda cosmides and john tooby , two doyens of the field , who work at the university of california , santa barbara , do not agree .
It was a study of the arts for me ; I came to know statues , and to appreciate at close range a cnidian venus or a leda trembling under the weight of the swan .
In research published last year by leda cosmides and john tooby of the university of california , santa barbara , students were given a disease diagnosis problem similar to that posed in the harvard study .
Since its inception in the early 20th century , management science has been dominated by what leda cosmides and john tooby , two evolutionary psychologists , refer to disparagingly as the standard social science model ( sssm ) .
In a study carried out in 2004 , robin simon , of florida state university , and leda nath , of the university of wisconsin , found no difference between the sexes in the reported frequency of incidents of feeling angry over a period of time .