Languor was still upon the eyes of the dawn , and the dew in the air .
I kissed her gently on her lips and whispered softly in her ears till she half swooned in languor .
Last among the classic aphrodisiacs are those foods that , owing to cost and rarity , connote wealth , luxury and sexual languor .
The most popular explanation of the yen 's languor is a revival of the " carry trade " ( ie , borrowing in cheap yen to buy higher-yielding investments elsewhere ) . This means selling the currency and thus pushes it down .
If in usage , there occurs double weight and size of penis without erection , dizziness , cardioacceleration and erection without languor and other situations after applying the product , please immediately stop using and consult doctor or apothecary and bring the instruction for reference .
Music that induces a delightful languor .
I very languor ...... you understand .
Aristocratic languor , critics thought , made him too diffident sometimes on the field .