

n.小猫( kitten的名词复数 )
v.小猫( kitten的第三人称单数 )

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Today , youtube has over 100 million unique viewers every month for everything from cute kittens to university lectures .
Kittens drink their mother 's milk until they are weaned and older cats may like the taste of cow 's milk .
I 'd best take ten minutes to look at more dancing kittens - just to get me motivated , you understand .
In cats it 's been used to create glowing kittens with no other traits , just proof that it can be made to work .
Thanks to jolie 's maternal instincts , all four kittens are healthy and being cared for at an rspca center with their mother until they are ready for adoption .
Since the summer it has been accused of being a blood-sucking vampire squid , of grabbing swine flu vaccines , of cruelty to kittens and of taking the lord 's name in vain .
And indeed , dyer said , it 's not as though people really want to hurt a basketful of kittens when they see the furballs tumbling all over one another .
When the researchers tried to infect blood cells from the genetically modified kittens with fiv , the virus didn 't replicate well .
Ten of the embryos contained the new genes , and five gave rise to kittens , three of which are still alive .
" It isn 't I , it 's the kittens , " heidi was at last given time to say .