

n.中央木柱,主脑人物( kingpin的名词复数 )

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Those suitcases of dollars so beloved of international arms smugglers and drug kingpins all represent interest-free loans to america .
The disaster scenario for the traditional heavyweights is that amazon google and microsoft end up as the corporate information kingpins .
The united states supports colombia 's efforts to modernize its security forces , to fight terrorists and drug kingpins .
The authorities should also go after the dozen known kingpins who back the pirate gangs .
In some cases the capture of kingpins has led to feuds among their deputies , fuelling the violence .
The country 's low wages may attract kingpins just as they have wooed legitimate investment : smugglers charge under $ 500 to drive a car of cocaine from managua to mexico .
But in the grand scheme of criminal threats , hacker kingpins do not appear to be on a par with colombian drug lords-even if the security industry would wish it otherwise .
The lawless shadows of the underworld spawns despicable characters possessed of greed , vice and a lack of scruples -- kingpins like jabba the hutt capable of killing without compunction .
Described by a united states attorney as a " king among kingpins " , mr makled is wanted in new york for allegedly shipping tonnes of cocaine from venezuela .
The agreement also gives the green light for carbon trading markets , which as we have documented are all owned by climate kingpins like maurice strong and al gore , to be more heavily financed and expanded .