kille 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The terrorists exploded the bomb and many people were injured or kille d.
- 恐怖分子制造了爆炸,很多人因此而死伤。
- The man who stole the treaty is the same man who kille dmy uncle .
- 这个偷条约的人就是杀害我叔叔的人。
- The study was conducted by david kille , amanda forest and joanne wood at the university of waterloo , in canada , and will be published soon in psychological science .
- 这份研究是由davidkille,amandaforest以及滑铁卢大学的joannewood一同完成的,即将在《心理科学》(psychologicalscience)杂志上发表。
- Mr kille and his collaborators asked half of their volunteers ( 47 romantically unattached undergraduate students ) to sit in a slightly wobbly chair next to a slightly wobbly table while engaged in the task assigned .
- 基利先生和他的合作者要求其中一半志愿者(47位单身的大学本科生)在参加任务分配时,坐在稍不稳的椅子上,椅子旁边是一张轻微晃动的桌子。