

ket 变化形式
易混淆的单词: KetKET
ket 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Can I become ket to metals distributor ?
- 我可以成为金属指南的分销商吗?
- Ket segment , target clients and maintain clients base .
- 识别目标市场和目标客户,建立并维护客户数据库。
- Studying modern ket is essential for piecing together these ancient relationships .
- 现代偈语的研究对于拟构这些古老的关联至关重要。
- Stiffening competition in the mar ket has led to a reduction in the company 's profits this year .
- 市场上不断加剧的竞争导致这公司今年的利润下降。
- Nearly all segments of the mar ket have been affected , although traditional carriers and hotels are bearing the brunt of the slowdown .
- 几乎整个市场都受到了影响,虽然传统的航空公司和酒店受到的冲击最大。
- Ket legends tell of ancient migrations north into the taiga to escape fierce invaders .
- 偈族传说讲述了其北向进入针叶林地带以避凶狠侵略的古移民史。
- Today the ket live in small , riverside villages and are no longer nomadic .
- 现今偈人住在河沿岸的一些小村庄,已经不再游牧。
- The ket , as well as the yughs and their extinct relatives are called yeniseians by linguists and ethnographers .
- 偈人,以及宇,还有他们已经消失的亲缘部族被语言学者和人种学者称为叶尼塞人。
- Today there are about 1100 ket living mostly to the east of the middle reaches of the yenisei river .
- 现今约有1100偈人,大多居住在叶尼塞河中段以东。