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Eastern jiangsu province said beginning 2013 , all students who are enrolled in jiangsu 's grades one through nine can take gaokao locally .
Lin has used his own name and some other name registered 5 companies and forged vat receipts in more than 22 provinces and cities including guangdong , fujian and jiangsu .
The exploding watermelon phenomenon has been well-known in jiangsu province for years , but it captured national attention with a tv report that aired monday .
Cctv did not report any illnesses -- or injuries -- linked to the exploding watermelons , although jiangsu farmers stand to suffer significant losses on the unstable fruit .
Other episodes documented include hundreds of men attacking farmers and beating women in lichang village in jiangsu province to forcibly seize land .
Most expressways connecting shanghai to nearby provinces , such as jiangsu and zhejiang , as well as between downtown and the suburbs , saw serious gridlocks with long lines of slow-moving vehicles .
Russia atomic energy corp. signed a technological design contract with cnnc jiangsu nuclear power corp. for the third and fourth nuclear reactors at tianwan nuclear station .
Wednesday 's breakdown happened at a stop in changzhou in the eastern province of jiangsu , the xinhua news agency reported , citing a spokesman for the shanghai railway bureau .
Seven other provinces and municipalities , including jiangsu , zhejiang and shanghai , increased their minimum wages by 10 to 17 per cent in the first quarter .
Kunshan , a city in jiangsu province just west of shanghai , was the latest to tighten its rules on provident funds .