Irate passengers soon set upon the bus and to the loud approval of the camera-wielding masses , pushed the cowed passenger to the ground , where he laid prostate as the crowd screamed obscenities and demands for an apology at him .
In the second edition of his " fads and fallacies in the name of science " , gardner reported that most of the irate letters he received in response to the first edition criticised only one of its 26 chapters and found the rest to be fine .
On the day that his death was announced , police and paramilitary officers tried to storm the village using water cannon and teargas , but were beaten back by irate villagers armed with spears and metal bars .
In principle , this response is hard to fault , but irate holders of the notes point to quirks in german law that they say compel commerzbank to pay up .
In recent months the local chinese press has contained many examples of informal lenders going bust , leaving irate depositors behind .
Last month pirates captured a livestock ship in the waters off bossaso ; they were killed within hours by irate traders and herders .
I 've also been on the receiving end of irate messages from customers , who insist it 's easier said than done that their messages disappear into cyberspace .
Sure , we had safety training pertaining to things like an intoxicated or irate guest who threatens physical harm to us or other guests .