The problem ended when food was brought in from elsewhere and salt was iodized .
While iodized table salt does contain healthy , nonradioactive iodine , health authorities say it doesn 't contain enough to protect the body against damage from radioactive iodine that may be released during a nuclear event .
Shenyang , sunflower seed packaging equipment , packaging machinery of iodized salt .
Results : daily iodine intake , iodine amount from iodized salt , and environment iodine sources are respectively 399 .
Her volunteers approached schools , asking teachers to create dictation exercises about iodized salt and to have students bring salt from home to test it for iodine in science class .
The salt can be supplied as rocks , crushed and meshed in the natural form or iodized .
Analysis on iodized salt surveillance of residents in minority regions in liuzhou in 2007 .
Guangdong cable co. , ltd. of iodized salt treatment and health balance .
Conclusion the taking rate of qualified iodized salt of the residents in chongqing has attained to the nation criterion .
The assumption was wholly incorrect , and the whole scene became even more ridiculous when the iodized salt run in turn sparked a run on noniodized salt .