Finally , insisting to the interviewer that he had indeed read his party 's manifesto , he conceded that he hadn 't " remembered it all in detail " .
He admits to being a neophyte on foreign policy , and joked with an interviewer about all the reporters who will try to catch him out by asking him to name the president of " ubeki-beki-beki-beki-stan-stan " and other " small insignificant states " .
He was tired and irritable , and when the interviewer goaded him about me he took the bait .
He told an interviewer in 2001 the monotony saved him the time of worrying what to wear each day .
It was a relief , the designer calvin klein , his friend , told an interviewer in 1993 .
Yoichi shibuya , the best interviewer of miyazaki , drew out the true intentions of various things about studio ghibli from hayao miyazaki and toshio suzuki .