The red crosshairs intersect in the basal ganglia , a brain area involved in motor control and in which the gene is strongly expressed .
An increasing " thickness " changes relationships , because it means that different relationships of interdependence intersect more deeply at more different points .
A complete stop will have to wait for one of the two relief wells to get down to 5500 metres , intersect with the leaking well and plug it .
" We now have a better understanding of how our interests intersect , " lambright said .
One place the moral and socioeconomic rationales intersect is in the issue of broken families and absent parents , problems that seem to be both causes and effects of deprivation , and that disproportionately affect african-caribbean people .
One place the moral and socioeconomic rationales intersect is in the issue of broken families and absent parents , problems that seem to be both causes and effects of deprivation , and that disproportionately affect african-caribbean people . Mr cameron is right to mention them .