

v.打断( interrupt的第三人称单数 );暂停;中断;阻断

interrupts 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Just as you 've seen him , felt him , someone interrupts .
In one memory his father interrupts a televised baseball game ; in another he delivers the news as a bedtime story .
I 've been watching a lot of larry lately after the michael jackson fiasco and noticed he always interrupts his guests .
Stack stays that e-mail wastes time because it interrupts the flow of your work .
Megan , a delightful teenager with big brown eyes and hair dyed a fashionable shade of red , interrupts to give her own account of her collapse but is overcome with tears .
At the closing rally of marxism 2009 , with all the seats eagerly taken but the air stale as ever in the main hall , the swp 's national organiser martin smith interrupts his speech to read a short poem by the radical american writer langston hughes called dream deferred .
In fact , in the premiere episode of the bbc series , " a study in pink , " sherlock 's first onscreen " appearance " is in the form of a visualized text message that interrupts a scotland yard press conference .
The joke in " the discreet charm of the bourgeoisie " is the way bunuel interrupts the meals with the secrets that lurk beneath the surface of his decaying european aristocracy : witlessness , adultery , drug dealing , cheating , military coups , perversion and the paralysis of boredom .
As rick tries to explain eli interrupts .
My mom interrupts me as tears begin rolling down her cheeks .