The story could have been taken from last year 's headlines when ethanol sparked an internecine war in both the corn belt and the beltway .
Republicans outnumber democrats in kansas , but in recent years they have been more interested in internecine combat than in fighting the opposition .
The internecine strife was caused by a shortage of food .
The strike with acerb contradictory conflict , massive labour and capital , shut out , make both sides of labour and capital internecine .
This not only undermines the new republic 's aura of legitimacy , but risks igniting internecine conflicts beyond the messy politics that is already playing out in tripoli .
Local leaders with more clout than bickering dissidents are helping to keep control and contain the level of internecine violence .
The inhabitants of the gaza strip are caught in a maelstrom of internecine feuding between gunmen of hamas and its fatah rivals , loth to accept the electoral defeat they suffered earlier this year .
The u. s. middle east peace effort ran into the buzz saw of hamas-fatah internecine strife combined with a palestinian inability to abandon the narrative of victimhood and vilification of israel .