But where interchangeable parts enabled the mass production era more than a century ago , tomorrow 's interoperable systems promise richer , more diverse and more customisable innovation .
By 1856 , the company could produce 150 weapons per day using interchangeable parts , efficient production lines and specially designed precision machinery .
War reduced human beings to serial numbers , " quasi-mechanical interchangeable parts " , and their opponents to vermin who could be slaughtered with " crazy brutality and sadism " .
The use of interchangeable parts to produce guns became the foundation of the machine tool industry and of mass production .
Current software and many apps still work on older models , and similar ports allow interchangeable use with chargers , stereos and other accessories .
In the traditional view of economists , all money is interchangeable , seamlessly fungible , and " free " from social or cultural influences .
The u. s. introduced the first large-scale assembly of weapons with its adoption of the model 1842 musket , and the new arms industry would produce hundreds of thousands of rifles for civil war soldiers , all from interchangeable parts .