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v.意欲( intend的现在分词 );打算;打算使;意指

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And the industry must now wait to find out whether those who were intending to return to the skies will be put off by the sight of rush-hour wreckage .
So if , for instance , one en-v detects another by radar , it can check what that other is intending to do and agree on how to pass it safely .
Many immigrant workers came to america intending to remain only briefly , to earn some money and return home .
But when you stop in the moment , intending to practice yoga , and connect with your breath ......
And they are right : the risks are clearly excessive at the price the pru was intending to pay .
Speaking by phone to the guardian , he said he was intending to stay out of the country until " things calmed down " .
One in every three americans , according to a new survey by u.s. technology company soasta , is intending to send one of these digital greetings next week .
Nor has it ever really been an option for rbs to sweeten the deal by offering to sell its other operations in asia at the same time : it is intending to hold on to its investment-banking and wealth-management businesses in the region .
Ost of the people cheering for the stock market to go up are in the accumulation phase of their careers , not the spending phase . They 're still putting money into retirement funds , and they aren 't intending on spending it for decades .
Mr. duggan died thursday in an incident that began when police officers stopped a silver minivan taxi carrying mr. duggan in london 's tottenham neighborhood intending to arrest him , for reasons not yet clear .