
n.开始( initiation的名词复数 );开始实施;入会;入会仪式
initiations 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- This article exams the long-term performance following dividend initiations and resumptions .
- 此篇论文重新检视股利初次发放,及再度发放之后的长期股价表现。
- They have not earned their power based upon spiritual initiations and the embodying of unconditional love but rather by taking energy from another .
- 他们不能赚得基于灵性提升上的权力,也不能包含入无条件的爱,而是得到别人的能量。
- Soldiers were accused of bullying and brutal initiations .
- 士兵们因为胁追性的野蛮入伙仪式受到指责。
- The seniors would hunt us down and put us through what they called initiations .
- 高年级的学生会让我们交“投名状”
- Remember when you said ? The society 's initiations is the same , every year , right ?
- 还记得你说的社团每年的纳新都是一样的,对吧?
- Mars is necessary to properly launch important new initiations , for mars is the planet designated to supply the energy , drive , courage , determination , and passion necessary to see a project through to its ultimate success .
- 火星对于正确的开始重要的新行动是必要的,因为火星是用于提供贯穿于一个项目使其的能量、动力、勇气、决心和热的行星。
- Then one must discern which souls to listen to , and only listen to those who are going to guide one to ascend . There are tests in the initiations surrounding discernment , as it is often through faulty discernment that initiates with large fields have been misused creating global harm .
- 而后,一个人还要学会要听哪一个灵魂的话,因为由于错误的洞察,通常会令一个已经有了大场的提升者被滥用,从而造成全球的伤害。
- Much like aboriginal initiations or buddhist rituals , ms abramovic 's art aims to be transformative .
- 同土著入会仪式和佛教仪式极十分相似,阿布拉莫维奇女士的艺术旨在改变。
- To ascend , the initiations require that a complete tapestry that is sincerely one 's own inheritance be present .
- 为了提升,提升者需要有一个是你真正遗传的完整织锦在场存在。
- Revisit the long-term performance after dividend initiations and resumptions .
- 重新检视股利初次发放,及再度发放的长期股价表现。