Back in copy_process , some housekeeping is performed in addition to several other limit and security checks , including a variety of initialization on your new task_struct .
Lazy lists allow you to defer initialization of expensive resources until you absolutely need them . They also allow the creation of infinite sequences : lists that have no upper bound .
Although lvalue references and rvalue references behave similarly during initialization ( only lines 18 and 28 above differ ) , they increasingly diverge during overload resolution .
This operation includes initialization of kernel data structures , the creation of some user processes , and the transfer of control to one of them .
It has control over process initialization , inheritance , and program execution - this gives you the ability to write very flexible policies to suit your needs .
If the application indicates at initialization that it uses skeleton tracking , the skeletal tracking engine signals a skeleton frame each time it processes the depth data , whether or not a skeleton currently appears in the frame .
If your page template includes any variety of modules that may or may not be on the page , or for visual reasons you need them to initialize sooner , you could place the initialization function immediately after the module .
To specify that a named value is mutable ( can be changed after initialization ) , it must be annotated with variable , as is shown in listing 2 at line 5 .
The code in listing 3 performs initialization , performs some work , completes the transaction if everything was successful , rolls back otherwise , and finally cleans up resources .
Instead of a constructor , the body of the class contains the class initializer . This code defines the private variable ( nothing is visible unless annotated as shared ) , and then the initialization logic .