As a result , they have been trying anew to ingratiate themselves with the west and with governments farther afield on a range of issues , all in the hope of persuading the un security council to ask the icc to suspend its indictment , which it has the power to do , for a year at a time .
Fed chairmen have been known to ingratiate themselves into the president 's favor close to election time by means of loose monetary policy and the false ( and temporary ) prosperity it brings about .
He had sent it to ingratiate himself and to get intelligence .
Some of the bands I have pretended to like to ingratiate myself I turn out to actually like .
Pros : most politicians try to ingratiate themselves with voters , but a radically different technique is to frighten them .
You are likely to find yourself feigning interest in and enthusiasm for a lot of things to ingratiate yourself with your peers .