The small arrows on the ruler are used for indenting paragraphs .
Select the text to which you wish to apply smart indenting .
In addition to indenting the contents of block statements , you should also indent the statements that follow a label to make the label easier to notice .
Small harbor entered between glacier bluff and spit point , indenting the sw side of greenwich island in the south shetland islands .
Summarizing the effect of a single newline : no effect in general , but it ends a list item or indented part ; thus changing some text into a list item , or indenting it , is more cumbersome if it contains newlines , they have to be removed ; see also .
An island of southern italy on the southern edge of the bay of naples . A popular resort since roman times , it is famous for its blue grotto , a picturesque cave indenting the island 's high , precipitous coast .