

v.(卵)被孵化( incubate的现在分词 );孵(卵);<医>潜伏;逐渐形成

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When jane goodall visited in 2008 , patrick showed her rows and rows of incubating eggs : 11376 at that time , with about 700 adults in the captive population .
Mr. lam says he has made it a priority to invest more in the information and communication technology industry in hong kong by incubating new talent .
They tested whether " incubating " a problem allowed a flash of insight , and found it did , especially when people entered a phase of sleep known as rem.
Non-new species : histiophryne psychedelica never before published photograph of the ' psychedelic frog fish ' male incubating eggs attached to its side
The female of this species has a rather interesting technique for incubating her eggs .
It 's as if new organs are incubating with the larger body of humanity .
Or slide the years of accumulated photographs into fresh , matching albums , the images incubating as memory to hatch as history .
Perhaps because fund managers do not trust financial groups to be able to generate heady profits without incubating huge risks that will cause the next bust .
Catalyzed in part by the urgency that climate change has brought to all matters environmental , two progressive movements , incubating already for decades , have recently emerged into fuller view .
As the weather warms up , the baby mantises start emerging from their incubating capsules . At this stage in their life cycle , they are called nymphs , and , while not quite as beautiful as the nymphs of greek myth , they still think they 're rather cute . Sort of .