

v.使(某人)贫穷( impoverish的现在分词 );使(某物)贫瘠或恶化

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Whatever politicians may tell us about the need to curb the deficit , debts on the scale that have been run up can 't be repaid . Almost certainly they will be inflated away - a process that is bound to painful and impoverishing for many .
If this story must be written , we must have the courage to eliminate all adjectives that tend to excite wonder : they would achieve the opposite effect , of impoverishing the narrative .
O.k. , these days it 's not the landlords , it 's the bankers - and they 're just impoverishing the populace , not eating it .
Globalisation , then , has not been an impoverishing conspiracy by the rich against the poor .
The " comparative advantage " of poverty will lead to the export of jobs from rich countries , impoverishing white-collar as well as blue-collar workers .
The media have become obsessed with something called " islam , " which in their voguish lexicon has acquired only two meanings , both of them unacceptable and impoverishing .
By deploying so many large , economical aircraft from a vast base , open around the clock and halfway between europe and asia , emirates could in effect run a global hub , reducing european airports to a feeder role and impoverishing their associated flag carriers .
Left-of-centre greeks voted for syriza both to punish pasok for impoverishing the country and because syriza opposes reforms that would open up closed-shop professions in a bid to make greece more competitive .
Failure to develop an energy policy means we can look forward to a lifetime of enriching the obscene sheiks , of wasting treasure and blood to defend the middle east while impoverishing ordinary americans and hobbling our economy .
Banks had abruptly pulled out of film financing , impoverishing that business .