

abbr.installment credit selling 分期付款赊销;interim contractor support 临时合同户支持;intracranial stimulation 颅内刺激

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Zalasiewicz heads the anthropocene working group which the ics has commissioned to examine whether the changes attributed to human activity satisfy the criteria for formalizing a new geological epoch .
One of the most useful things on the platform is being able to jump in and out of running apps . Ics will almost certainly run more services and use more ram just on its own .
The earth 's official calendar is kept by the international commission on stratigraphy ( ics ) the world 's principal authority on stratigraphy the study of earth 's history through the analysis of rock layers and layering .
Inhaled corticosteroid ( ics ) medication is the most effective treatment for controlling symptoms and preventing attacks , which can lead to a visit to the emergency department or hospitalization or death if left untreated .
Considering the ice cream sandwich ( ics ) availability , the big account actuality is the price .
Last year , the group won first place in the local district for the integrated coordinated science ( ics ) competition .
A few years ago , robert bruner and sean carr , two american academ - ics at a virginia business school , decided to write a comprehensive study of a financial market crash that took place on wall street back in 1907 .
Over the next 30 years , ics was refined and implemented by most fire agencies and medical first responder agencies across the country .
In 1991 , the orange county emergency medical services and hospital worked together to develop a hospital adaptation of ics ultimately named hics ( hospital incident command system ) .
Gary swiman , who heads the asset manager division at consulting firm ics risk advisers , says several other hedge funds and financial institutions that he works for have followed suit .
