

hyperoxia 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Objective to investigate the effects of azithromycin on hyperoxia induced lung injury in neonatal rats .
- 结论阿奇霉素对新生大鼠高氧肺损伤有保护作用。
- Influence of hyperoxia on ultrastructure in damaged lungs of neonatal rats .
- 高氧对新生大鼠肺组织超微结构的影响。
- Effects of blood metabolism and circulation by inhaling hyperoxia before , during and after high intensity exercise .
- 高强度运动负荷前中后持续摄取高浓度氧气对新陈代谢与体循环之影响。
- Splanchnic resuscitation revisited : combining hyperoxia and hypertonic saline during early goal-directed treatment * .
- 再谈内脏复苏:在早期目标性治疗中高氧和高张性盐水的联合应用。
- High-flow 100 % normobaric hyperoxia prolongs penumbral survival in animals and appears to extend the time window for reperfusion therapy .
- 高血流量100%正常气压高供氧延长了动物缺血半暗带的存活时间,且似乎可以延长再灌注治疗的时间窗。