The matter is urgent : the lack of sanitary installations and hygienic waste removal furthers the spread of disease .
Mr. tam says that unless the government caps the number of mainland visitors allowed inhong kong , ' different expectations on hygienic conditions and politeness ' will continue to provoke tension between residents and their mainland counterparts .
Since the immunity of the baby is in its initial stages , they are easily prone to diseases and hence it is the ultimate duty of the parent to take utmost care in maintaining hygienic and healthy atmosphere to the baby .
No one likes to think about who was in their hotel room before them , let alone what they got up to . The best to hope for is that your lodgings are clean and hygienic . But are they ?
Sue palmer , children 's campaigner and author of the book toxic childhood , added : " clearly parents need to make sure their children are hygienic , but wrapping them up in cotton wool and not allowing them exposure to germs is just as damaging . "