
hurdling 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Hurdling world number 1 david oliver ran the 110 meter hurdles under 13 seconds , five times in a row last year .
- 世界第一跨栏选手大卫奥利弗在去年110米跨栏比赛中连续5次跑出低于13秒的成绩。
- Usually sprinting , hurdling , long jumping , and discus and javelin throwing .
- 常包括速跑、跨栏、跳远、铁饼和掷标枪。
- The street corner imitates liu xiang hurdling , exposes sweat , violence sweat .
- 街头模仿刘翔跨栏,暴汗,暴汗。
- Although hurdling is a sport that purely requires running and jumping , it 's important to be athletic enough to do other things .
- 尽管跨栏只是纯粹要求跑步和跳跃的运动,但是运动员进行其它种类的训练还是很重要。
- An athletic contest in which each participant competes in five track and field events , usually sprinting , hurdling , long jumping , and discus and .
- 五项全能比赛一种体育竞赛,每个参赛者将在五种田赛和径赛项目展开角逐,常包括速跑、跨栏、跳远、铁饼和掷标枪。
- Imagine the poor guy on the ground , sitting there at a red light , as a flaming five car pile-up is hurdling down towards him from the sky .
- 想像一下在地上的那位可怜的哥们儿,正等着红灯呢,就眼看着五辆燃着大火的车从天上向他砸过来。
- Dominic suddenly sent a giant lightning bolt hurdling toward the girls .
- 多米尼克突然被一个巨大的闪电朝女孩跨栏。
- The running and hurdling competitions make up the track events .
- 径赛项目有跑步和障碍两种。
- Hurdling obstacles and watching yourself progress is what makes life worth living .
- 跨越障碍并看到自己的进步,使生活变得更有价值。
- Looks leading contender on hurdling bow .
- 看起来跨栏弓上的领先竞争者。